
Have You Become Your Own Worst Enemy?

It’s one thing to hear negative talk about yourself from your enemies, but quite another to come to the realization that you’re your own worst enemy because of what you do to undermine your self confidence and sabotage your efforts. You may have experienced so much self loathing that you come to believe what you’re … Read more

Challenge Your Perceived Limitations

Perceived limitations can be as challenging as trying to tie a rope with your hands behind your back. We know by watching athletes achieve the seemingly impossible feats of man against the elements, that the mind and body can exceed limits far past what we may expect of ourselves. We all have that power within … Read more

On Days That You’re Unfocused, Prioritize Effectively

It happens to the best of us – some days you just can’t focus on work no matter how hard you try. It’s frustrating when you flounder all day trying to pick up the pieces of a project you’ve started but your mind just won’t cooperate. These unplanned times can be very useful and productive … Read more

5 Tips to Generating Your Own Success Story

Thanks to computers and the Internet, it’s easier than ever to build a name for yourself and create your own success story. You don’t have to be famous to become a success and enjoy all the material things that success brings to your life. You simply need to know how to outline and then generate … Read more

When You Feel Overwhelmed STOP and Take Back Control

When You Feel Overwhelmed STOP and Take Back Control When being overwhelmed causes your progress to come to a grinding halt, it’s time to discover new ways to deal with the enormous amount of work you have to accomplish as a solo entrepreneur. Today you can be particularly overwhelmed by the rapid pace the world … Read more

Understand That Fear Is a Normal Part of Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Understand That Fear Is a Normal Part of Being a Successful Entrepreneur It’s normal to be nervous and uneasy when you try anything new – a new relationship, job, residence, hair style and more. It may be especially difficult to picture yourself as a successful Internet entrepreneur if you’re a newbie at the process. The … Read more

How to Identify and Shift Your Negative Thinking Patterns

Identifying Your Negative Mindsets A negative mindset can be a huge obstacle when it comes to staying motivated and on the path to achieving your dreams. But it can be difficult to avoid negative mindsets if you don’t know exactly what it is that you are avoiding. That is why it is critical to learn … Read more

Devastated By Life? Pick Yourself Up, Dust Off And Start Again

Devastated By Life? Pick Yourself Up, Dust Off And Start Again Let’s face it, no matter who you are or what your dreams are, things will go wrong. Jobs might fall through, you might have to make some changes, or maybe circumstances you can’t control will cause more problems for you. You might have hit … Read more

Embrace Your Beliefs: A Pathway to Personal Achievement

If You Believe It, You Can Be It What do you believe? According to science, believing in yourself is the strongest predictor of success.  High achievers in life don’t let self-doubt, worry, or outside influences stop them from believing in their goals.  If you want something, make “If you believe it, you can be it” … Read more

Cheap Trades: The Risks of Selling Your Soul for $10

I want to talk about a ‘touchy’ subject right now. My aim isn’t to offend anyone, and I hope I don’t. But I do feel I need to go where others fear to tread, you might say, in the hopes of helping you skirt some problems that I see in our industry. Let me start … Read more

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